Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween Costumes

Here are our Halloween costumes for this year. Stephen is a soldier and I am...wait for it..."Sheet" music!!! Ha Ha Ha Ha! Yes, that is a real song. Just to be a little more funny, it is "Silent Night".

First Snow

Here is our first snow of the season "down" here. Of course the mountains have already gotten a lot more than us. We usually get our first snow each year before Halloween. So far it is right on track. This one was 10/21/07. We got a good 3 or so inches out of this one.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Great Sand Dunes National Park

These are some awesome pictures of the Great Sand Dunes National Park near Alamosa, Colorado. This state really has it all! It was SO awesome to see this! We went this past Saturday and it was worth the drive. If anyone ever gets to come out here, I would highly recommend seeing it. If you ignore the mountains and trees to the back and side of the dunes and look toward the west, you would swear you were in the Sahara desert. All pictures on this site are the property of the author and may not be used or reproduced without written permission from the author.

Monday, October 1, 2007

4-H Achievement Program

Stephen won several awards at the 4-H Achievement Program this year. As his 1st year as a traditional (judged) 4-H member he had a great year! The awards he got were in addition to the ribbons and money he won at our fair this summer. Plus, I nominated him for two more awards. Enjoy!