Here are the latest additions to the household. Another county worker had to get rid of them due to his wife's new allergies. The gray one is a boy and his name is T-Bone. Yes, Stephen named them. He is 12 years old, the old man of the house. He is HUGE. Not fat, just big. He weighs in at about 20 - 22 pounds. The other one is a girl and her name is Tilly. She is 8 years old. She is a more "normal" size at about 9 pounds. Stephen was so excited to get them. He has been dying for a cat for quite some time now. I think I may be nuts, but I guess some of us (and you) already knew that! :) The guy we got them from has had them since they were kittens so the first weekend was not the most pleasant with them. They are starting to get used to us a little better now. I told Stephen we will have to be patient with them. It is hard for them to move to a new house with new owners when they are this old.