Cpl. Brian Walton
Brian is a great father, husband, son, brother, uncle, friend, cousin and guardsman. This is his second tour of duty in Iraq. He is a good soldier and we are very proud of him. We pray that God will be with him, protect him, and bring him safely home to us again.
-- Submitted by Jean Walton, sister
Hello again! This is a thing I submitted on Indystar.com in their Spirit of the 76th section. It is a tribute space where you can submit greetings to soldiers overseas. For those of you who know my brother Brian, he should have arrived in Kuwait sometime today. He will be there for 2 - 3 weeks and then he will continue on to Iraq. He will be overseas for a year. Lots of prayers for his safe return please! This is his second tour of duty over there. Last time, he and my other brother, Tom, were over there at the same time for a while. They both (Thanks to God!) made it safely home that time. The picture above is actually from his wedding in 2005. I didn't have a picture of him in his uniform on my computer. (I have one from a while ago, I just didn't have it scanned into my computer.) Also prayers for his wife Bonnie; son Evan; stepsons Mathew, Michael and Joseph; and our Mom, RoseMary. All of the rest of us; Stephen and I; Cheryl and her kids, David, Chris, Michaela and Ryan; Tom and Nenita; and MaryAnn, Joey and Blake will miss him as well.
Thanks for letting us know about Brian. We will be keeping him and his family and your mom in our prayers. And if you get a chance to talk to him please tell him thank you for us. We appreciate all of our military but especially the ones we know.
Next time you talk to Brian, please say hi to him for me. I haven't seen him in years.
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