Well, it took me a while, but here is my 100 things about me list. For those of you reading this that have not already done one (that eliminates most of the Cunninghams - Hee Hee Hee) I would encourage you to try one yourself. It was both challenging and eye-opening for me to do one. Here you go!
100 Things About Me
1. I am the oldest of five children.
2. I am the first to graduate from college.
3. I am 34 years old.
4. Turning 30 was a non-event for me.
5. 40 might be different though. It concerns me a little.
6. I have one son, Stephen who will be 10 in August of this year.
7. I am Not old enough to have a 10 year old son.
8. I almost lost Stephen during his birth.
9. If my Mom hadn't been here, I would have lost him.
10. I will believe to the day I die that the negligence of the hospital staff caused his cerebral palsy.
11. Having a son with CP has really made me grow as a person and a parent.
12. I have had to conquer my fears of being around special needs people.
13. I realize that I should not have ever feared being around them in the first place.
14. I know it was an irrational fear and I am a fairly rational person. I can't explain it.
15. Perhaps God knew I needed to get over that when he gave me the child he did.
16. I have learned SO much from my son.
17. I wouldn't trade my son for ANYTHING.
18. I am single.
19. I broke my leg when I was 12.
20. I was in a cast for 4 months that summer.
21. I was told by the doctors that I was a slow healer. Ya think?
22. I broke my leg when I stopped on a swing so I wouldn't hit my younger brother, Tom.
23. I broke my foot when I was 32.
24. I broke my foot by tripping over one of Stephen's toys.
25. I have had several sprains and other such stuff, especially when younger.
26. Apparently I was (and maybe still am) somewhat clumsy.
27. In spite of that, I took every dance class I could get my hands on while I was at ISU.
28. I did very well in all of them.
29. I always wanted to learn to dance.
30. I haven't seriously danced in years. Does goofing around at weddings count?
31. I miss dancing and would like to take lessons again.
32. Raising my child has kept me from doing much in the way of extra-curricular activities.
33. I need to lose weight.
34. I am not happy with how I look.
35. I have a somewhat low self esteem about my looks and weight.
36. I have a much better sense of self esteem about my intelligence.
37. I think both of my sisters are prettier than I am.
38. I don't like eating raw onions but I will use them in cooking and I like onion rings.
39. I hated speech class in high school but I LOVE the theatre!
40. I MISS the Clay County Community theatre and that group of people.
41. I love living in Colorado!
42. I moved cross country by myself in 1997.
43. I was not in 4-H growing up but I am the 4-H secretary at work and I started a family 4-H club and I am Stephen's 4-H leader.
44. I like to cook.
45. I know how to sew.
46. I took three years of French in high school. (I would have taken four but we didn't have enough students signed up to justify the class.)
47. I have started taking Spanish classes through Arapahoe County (where I work).
48. I won't be fluent (it is a 12-week course) but may have some hope of conducting a decent conversation.
49. I like learning new things.
50. I LOVED college.
51. I hated high school.
52. I wouldn't mind going back to school when Stephen is older.
53. I graduated college with a bachelor of science degree in Kindergarten-Primary Education.
54. I hope to own a home someday for Stephen and I.
55. I don't like living in apartments.
56. I have lived in apartments since I moved out on my own.
57. The worst are the big box apartments like the one I am in now with people all around me.
58. I feel like I live in a shoe box.
59. I like growing things.
60. I want a garden when I get a house someday.
61. I can't get enough of Rocky Mountain National Park.
62. It has several different climates all in one park.
63. I also love the Great Sand Dunes National Park.
64. Whenever my family come to visit (someday?) I want to take them to both places.
65. It has been awhile since any of my family has been to visit.
66. I have (thanks to my family for making them possible) made several trips home since I have been home.
67. I was last home summer of 2007 for MaryAnn's wedding.
68. I am the only sibling out of the five of us that has never been married.
69. Can you say old maid?
70. I moved to Colorado in October, 1997.
71. It doesn't seem like it has been that long.
72. My family goes girl, boy, girl, boy, etc. Mom is older than Dad was. It goes Mom, Dad, me, Brian, Cheryl, Tom and MaryAnn.
73. I always wanted my first child to be a boy.
74. No one out here believed me when I said that. My coworkers had the impression that since I was a woman I must want a girl first.
75. I was thrilled that Stephen was a boy.
76. At this point, I don't want any more children.
77. If I ever change my mind and do want another one (which I really don't see happening) I think I would want another boy.
78. The newest car I have ever owned is my current one and it is a 2005.
79.The oldest car I have ever owned was a 1974 AMC Hornet.
80. I liked that car, it just wouldn't stay running and I didn't have money to try to keep figuring out why.
81. I got more comments from people who liked that car.
82. If I had had the money, I would have liked to put that car back in mint condition.
83. It had a Caterpillar engine and denim seats with Levi Strauss buttons.
84. All of the cars I have owned have been used.
85. This list does require some thinking.
86. I am going to have to replace almost all of my son's summer clothes this year.
87. I am getting really tired of doing this list.
88. It has taken me several times stopping and starting to get this list done.
89. My blogspot blog is the first time I have ever blogged.
90. I love using my TomTom GPS device!
91. I am a Star Wars nut. I love (and own) all the movies!
92. I have a collection of Star Wars memoribilia in my bedroom on a shelf.
93. I even have Darth Vader's voice, C3PO's voice and Yoda's voice on my TomTom so I can listen to them tell me where to go! :)
94. I collect Monopoly games. (Yes, I have a couple of Star Wars ones. I also have Star Wars Trivial Pursuit.)
95. I love reading and watching movies.
96. I have well over 100 books on my book shelf and I own over 200 movies. (At last count.)
97. I bought almost all of my books and movies used or they were gifts.
98. I write poetry from time to time, from funny to serious and everything in between.
99. I have won a couple of awards for my poetry.
100. I made it to 100 on this list!!!
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